Valar Atomics
Valar is an atomic energy company focused on mass manufacturing nuclear fission reactors which synthesize abundant, low cost hydrocarbons to power the world economy and reduce the price of energy for all mankind.
Valar Atomics
Valar is an atomic energy company focused on mass manufacturing nuclear fission reactors which synthesize abundant, low cost hydrocarbons to power the world economy and reduce the price of energy for all mankind.

자본이 많이 들어간다는 이유로 야심찬 프로젝트에 투자를 꺼린다면, 내가 그런 세상을 부수겠다.
= 자본, 비용에 구애받지 않는 세상을 만들겠다
테일러는 원자력 에너지 스타트업 Valar Atomics의 설립자이다.
회사의 비전은 핵분열을 통해 공기 중에서 가스와 석유를 추출하는 것

Valar Atomics
Valar is an atomic energy company focused on mass manufacturing nuclear fission reactors which synthesize abundant, low cost hydrocarbons to power the world economy and reduce the price of energy for all mankind.
Valar Atomics
Valar is an atomic energy company focused on mass manufacturing nuclear fission reactors which synthesize abundant, low cost hydrocarbons to power the world economy and reduce the price of energy for all mankind.
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